Unplug Challenge

Don’t Implode: Give Yourself a New Life

Chaviva, the Kvetching Editor  says to give the National Day of Unplugging “a gander, and make it happen. We all need a break; we’re on overload; we’re liable to implode. Give yourself new life, and wrap yourself around the Sabbath Manifesto.”

“And, you know what, a sabbath — while it has a loaded “religious” tone — really is for everyone. I think now about people who function on a 24/7 schedule of Twitter and blogging and Facebook and their phone and text messaging and fidgeting with worthless apps and my face hurts. In a world burdened with noise, I think everyone could take a day to step back and just say “wow, there’s more to life than all of this other stuff.” I hear from people all the time how mystified they are at the idea of a day without technology, and then later from the same people how they sincerely wish they had the will power to do so.”

Read her whole post here.

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