Unplug Challenge

Take the Wall Street Challenge: Unplug

Edmundo Braverman wonders on WallStreetOasis.com whether you can unplug:

“When I first entered the work force, computers were something you used to play video games and hire prostitutes (yes, in the early days of dial-up and Compuserve, hookers were web pioneers). Cell phones came later, and you had to carry a battery pack in a satchel that made you look like an extra from Saving Private Ryan. They put out about 10 megawatts of power, and you kept conversations short both because it cost about $5 a minute and you could actually feel a brain tumor forming after 15 seconds.”

“Fast forward 20 years, and technology is everywhere. We rely on it for everything. It has extended our work days from 8 hours to 24. We are always available now. Is it even possible to go 24 hours without plugging in? And if it isn’t, doesn’t that make you a little sad? I’m tempted to try it, but I doubt I’d be able to pull it off. And I’m basically retired. Could any of you go 24 hours off the grid?”

Read his entire post here.

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